Ok, so first off I need to say a few things about the disinfecting craze. A lot of people are going nuts over making sure that everthing has been wiped down with some sort of sanitizing agent because germs are everywhere and every one of them can kill you... this is totally bogus. If this were the case then people would be dying left and right, and those of us who were unfortunate enough to survive would constantly be sick and on the verge of death.

As this is not the case it is then safe to assume that not all germs are deadly and in fact, it is this compulsive need to make sure everything is 'clean' is what is leading to super viruses and all that stuff that really CAN kill you. 

Anyway, that being said, disinfectants do have their place and are necessary for preventing the spread of certain illnesses like colds, flus, and highly contagious ailments such as pink eye. But with many people developing eczema and other skin sensitivity issues, one in particular being multiple chemical sensitivity which results for the over use of chemical cleaners in the home, many people are looking for safer, more natural, less irritating ways to clean. Here is a recipe for one such cleaner:

Homemade Disinfectant
20 drops Tea Tree Oil
20 drops Lavender Oil
10 drops Lemon Oil
1 qt Water

Mix and pour into a spray bottle.

Recipe courtesy of http://www.mnn.com/your-home/at-home/stories/make-your-own-disinfectant-spray

Many of the oils included in this recipe have anti-biotic, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties as well as smelling great. As they are derived from natural sources they are also, generally, hypo-allergenic and totally safe to use on things your infant touches, or on surfaces used to prepare food. This spray does not have to be wiped off with water before the surface can be used. 

Vinegar as an Anti-Microbial
Another, more simple recipe is a 1:5 dilution of vinegar in water. This means that for every 1 part vinegar you should use 5 parts water, whether youre measuring in teaspoons, cups or gallons. Vinegar has been proven to be just as effective as bleach in that it kills '99 percent of bacteria, 82 percent of mold, and 80 percent of germs (viruses).' Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/vinegar-kills-bacteria-mold-germs.html#ixzz1lzkbQBaR 

This 1:5 dilution is best for cleaning things that will be used to prepare food or will regularly come in contact with the skin. For cleaning things like the toilet or shower it is recommended that you use straight vinegar. If the smell of vinegar is not appealing to you then I recommend adding a few drops of the above mentioned essential oils to help mask the smell. It is unnecessary to wear a mask or work in a well ventilated area when using a vinegar solution, though I would still recommend cracking a window or turning on the fan to keep the smell from becoming over powering. Its not going to hurt your lungs but its not the greatest smell in the world. The smell of vinegar dissipates much faster than the smell of bleach and is less corrosive. Its also not going to damage colored fabrics or surfaces.